About The Project
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In order to improve education it is important to include educational institutions into programs whose goal is strengthening knowledge, skills, competences and employability of European citizens, which is what our schools recognize as a point of interest. We expect that including in such programs will greatly increase the quality of work in our school, and that it will also produce a multiplying effect on a regional and a wider level. We would like to improve in the school development plan, employee professional training stood out as a priority through several important segments:
• a more wholesome understanding of education in The EU and creating a solid opinion on the influences of European educational systems, especially their influence on the labour market,
• increasing the interest in programs based on incoming and outgoing mobility, and assuming an active role in integrating the Croatian educational system into the European educational environment,
• acquiring new knowledge, skills and competences needed for the personal growth of an individual in order to increase his competitive strength in a complicate labour market,
• encouraging innovation the exchange of good European practice, all in order to adapt the educational system to the needs of a 21st century student
Inspired by all mentioned above, the inclusion of the school in the Erasmus+ program, and the K2 activity has the intention of achieving the following goals:
- developing entrepreneurship on the first educational level,
- improving linguistic competences of students and employees,
- using ICT in order to improve professional and personal competences.
The project involves:
a) Teachers, management and administrative staff of all partner schools
The target group consists of 52 teachers and 8 members of school management and administrative staff from the partner schools.
b) Students involved in the project activities
Student target group consists of 220 students from all partner schools (75+75+70) directly involved in the project activities.
c) decision-makers at local, regional, national and European level;
d) Press, the media and the public
All the media (radio, TV, on-line portals are used to disseminate the project activities, results and to contribute to the project visibility.
The activities are:
- Chamomile tea bag / hand cream / soap production
- Vegetable seeding / planting calendar workshop
- Multilingual dictionary for entrepreneurs
- Building a typical Croatian house – trijem
- Entrepreneurial workshop
- New curricular area of entrepreneurship and the teaching material
- Extracurricular activity "Young entrepreneur"
- Recipe collection and translation
- Typical national dish selection, cooking, taking photos and videos, creating a menu
- Visiting local commodities supplier in Finland
- Song recording with pronunciation manual
- Teaching songs
- Making the music booklet with CD
- Mini music project
- A restaurant business plan
- A fair with a musical performance
The following methodology will be used:
- Interactive workshops
- Surveys (Preparation, implementation and dissemination)
- Group and team work
- Insight in the teaching process
- Visit to a local company
- Panel discussion
- Practical work
- new curriculum in the area of Entrepreneurship
- Teacher's book
-f Pupil's book
- 300 calendars
- 300 music brochures
- 200 cookbooks
- 100 music DVDs
- 10 houses built in all the countries
- 10 pages house building and assembling plan
On the teachers
At the end of the project we want teachers to have the ability to:
- invent, create, implement and present a new area of curriculum
- make a Teacher's book for the purpose of Entrepreneurship course
- communicate in a foreign language
- present and disseminate the project results
- enhance competencies in using ICT tools
- increase the number of project partners in Europe
On the pupils
At the end of the project we want pupils to be able or have:
- enhanced competences in using English as a foreign language
- to use Online resources in the classroom
- to name basic terms in the area of Entrepreneurship
- to apply ICT tools used in the project in all school subjects
- enhanced awareness of cultural understanding - the EU level
- enhanced level of understanding of traditional music, cuisine and national symbols of the partner countries
On the organizations:
- permanently enhance the education and curriculum quality
- improve the European dimension of the school and the level of competitiveness
- implementation of the developed area of curriculum in schools on the national level
- positive influence on development of the strategies on the EU level